CPU, AMD, Ryzen 5, 5600G, Cezanne, 3900 MHz, Cores 6, 16MB, Socket SAM4, 65 Watts, GPU Radeon, BOX, 100-100000252BOX
Product reference: 2-730143313414
Ryzen 5, 5600G, Cezanne, 3900 MHz, Number of cores 6, Cache 16MB, Socket SAM4, Wattage 65 Watts, Turbo frequency 4400 MHz, GPU Model Radeon, Packing type BOX

CPU, AMD, Ryzen 5, 5600G, Cezanne, 3900 MHz, Cores 6, 16MB, Socket SAM4, 65 Watts, GPU Radeon, BOX, 100-100000252BOX

Product reference: 2-730143313414
Ryzen 5, 5600G, Cezanne, 3900 MHz, Number of cores 6, Cache 16MB, Socket SAM4, Wattage 65 Watts, Turbo frequency 4400 MHz, GPU Model Radeon, Packing type BOX
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AMD Ryzen 5 5600G
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