Cooking oil strainer
Product reference: 180907240453

Cooking strainer, a new and fashionable helper in your kitchen! What makes this strainer special is that itcan be used in many different ways. A practical strainer will come in handy when cooking, steaming or deep-frying. You will quickly see thatcooking with the BRAVA strainer is easy, fast and safe.

Useful multifunctional tools that make cooking enjoyable. My kitchen used to consist of a dull knife, one wooden spoon and a metal bowl. I still baked with adventure, but everything was twice as difficult and successful results were not guaranteed! These are everyday tools and I promise they will make your life easier.

With so many products on the market, it's hard to know which kitchen essentials are essential and which products you may only use occasionally. We provide the essentials for any kitchen that I use daily in my home kitchen or at least once a week.*100020 *

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Cooking oil strainer

Product reference: 180907240453

Cooking strainer, a new and fashionable helper in your kitchen! What makes this strainer special is that itcan be used in many different ways. A practical strainer will come in handy when cooking, steaming or deep-frying. You will quickly see thatcooking with the BRAVA strainer is easy, fast and safe.

Useful multifunctional tools that make cooking enjoyable. My kitchen used to consist of a dull knife, one wooden spoon and a metal bowl. I still baked with adventure, but everything was twice as difficult and successful results were not guaranteed! These are everyday tools and I promise they will make your life easier.

With so many products on the market, it's hard to know which kitchen essentials are essential and which products you may only use occasionally. We provide the essentials for any kitchen that I use daily in my home kitchen or at least once a week.*100020 *

Image result for Home Kitchen Chef Foldable Strain Fry GIF

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Skersmuo: 23 cm.
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Turint tiek daug gaminių rinkoje, sunku žinoti, kokie yra būtiniausi virtuvės įrankiai ir kokius produktus galite naudoti tik retkarčiais. Mes pateikiame pagrindinius bet kurios virtuvės daiktus, kuriuos aš kasdien naudoju savo namų virtuvėje arba bent kartą per savaitę.
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Useful,  multipurpose utensils that make cooking enjoyable.  Earlier in life, my kitchen consisted of a dull knife, one wooden spoon and a metal bowl.  I still cooked with adventure, but everything was twice as hard and successful results were not guaranteed!  These are everyday tools and I promise they will make your life easier.

With so many products on the market, it's hard to know what are essential kitchen tools and what you might only use from time to time. Below are the essentials for any starter kitchen, items that I use in my own home kitchen every day, or at least once a week.