Compatible HP 350 XL (CB336EE) BK
Product reference: HP350XLBK

Suitable for Hewlett Packard (HP) printers

Deskjet D4200 Series
Deskjet D4260
Deskjet D4263
Deskjet D4268
Officejet J5760
Officejet J5780
Officejet J5785
Photosmart C4200 Series
Photosmart C4205
Photosmart C4240
Photosmart C4250
Photosmart C4270
Photosmart C4273
Photosmart C4280
Photosmart C4283
Photosmart C4380
Photosmart C5280
Photosmart C4480
Photosmart C4580

Compatible HP 350 XL (CB336EE) BK

Product reference: HP350XLBK

Suitable for Hewlett Packard (HP) printers

Deskjet D4200 Series
Deskjet D4260
Deskjet D4263
Deskjet D4268
Officejet J5760
Officejet J5780
Officejet J5785
Photosmart C4200 Series
Photosmart C4205
Photosmart C4240
Photosmart C4250
Photosmart C4270
Photosmart C4273
Photosmart C4280
Photosmart C4283
Photosmart C4380
Photosmart C5280
Photosmart C4480
Photosmart C4580

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