Compatible cartridge HP 342 (C9361EE) C/ M/ Y Green box
Product reference: 9361C/M/Y

Suitable for Hewlett Packard (HP) printers

Deskjet 5440
PSC 1507
PSC 1510
PSC 1513S
Photosmart 8050
Photosmart C3180
Photosmart C4180
Photosmart 2570
Deskjet D4160
Officejet 6310
Officejet 6315
Photosmart 2575
Photosmart c3100
Deskjet 5432
Officejet 6313
Photosmart 7850
Photosamrt C3170
Photosamrt C3190
Photosamrt C4100
Photosmart C4190

Compatible cartridge HP 342 (C9361EE) C/ M/ Y Green box

Product reference: 9361C/M/Y

Suitable for Hewlett Packard (HP) printers

Deskjet 5440
PSC 1507
PSC 1510
PSC 1513S
Photosmart 8050
Photosmart C3180
Photosmart C4180
Photosmart 2570
Deskjet D4160
Officejet 6310
Officejet 6315
Photosmart 2575
Photosmart c3100
Deskjet 5432
Officejet 6313
Photosmart 7850
Photosamrt C3170
Photosamrt C3190
Photosamrt C4100
Photosmart C4190

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