Get ready for rich, authentic coffee with the Bialetti Moka Express 0.2 L - an elegant aluminum pot that prepares the perfect espresso in minutes, combining classic design with modern convenience.
Coffee Maker - Bialetti Moka Express 0.2L Aluminum Black
Product reference:14-8006363011624
Get ready for rich, authentic coffee with the Bialetti Moka Express 0.2 L - an elegant aluminum pot that prepares the perfect espresso in minutes, combining classic design with modern convenience.
Coffee Maker - Bialetti Moka Express 0.2L Aluminum Black
Product reference:14-8006363011624
Get ready for rich, authentic coffee with the Bialetti Moka Express 0.2 L - an elegant aluminum pot that prepares the perfect espresso in minutes, combining classic design with modern convenience.
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Prepare rich, authentic coffee with the Bialetti Moka Express 0.2L! This elegant aluminum pot makes the perfect espresso in minutes, combining classic design with modern convenience for coffee lovers.
Product type:Coffee shop
Capacity:0.2 L (3 cups)
Dishwasher safe:No
Collection:Moka Express
Color:Black aluminum
Packaging details
Quantity per package
1 pc.
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