Cloud Bag PGYTECH OneGo Medium (black)
Product reference: 058906

Cloud Bag PGYTECH OneGo Medium (black)

Product reference: 058906
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PGYTECH OneGo Bag Size M (Black)

The PGYTECH OneGo Bag is an indispensable companion for every photographer who values comfort and organization. It offers enough space to accommodate your essential equipment while remaining compact enough for easy travel. Made from durable and weather-resistant materials, it provides protection against rain, wind, and dust, ensuring that your gear remains in excellent condition for a long time.

Say Goodbye to Mess

The bag's interior is designed to maximize available space. You can easily fit a camera and one lens inside, and the special compartments allow you to organize your gear. It features a magnetic closure for quick access, and a small pocket is perfect for storing small items. The bag also comes with a dedicated pocket for an AirTag, giving you full control over the security of your equipment.


Manufacturer PGYTECH
Model P-CB-260
Color Black
Material Polyurethane + polyamide + polyester
Dimensions 220 x 260 x 80 mm
Weight 0.2 kg
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