Christmas tableware decoration 4 pcs
Product reference: 221124240789

All family and friends will gather at the Christmas table, you want to surprise them. Then decorate the festive table in such a way that everyone will be surprised. Tasteful table decorations will add coziness and brightness to your celebration. The table will look colorful, the decorations will match perfectly with the interior of the house, the available plates and tools, or simply give a great mood.

Christmas tableware decoration 4 pcs

Product reference: 221124240789

All family and friends will gather at the Christmas table, you want to surprise them. Then decorate the festive table in such a way that everyone will be surprised. Tasteful table decorations will add coziness and brightness to your celebration. The table will look colorful, the decorations will match perfectly with the interior of the house, the available plates and tools, or simply give a great mood.

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Kalėdų stalo įrankių dekoracija 4vnt
Prie Kalėdų stalo susirinks visa šeima ir draugai, norisi juos nustebinti. Tuomet papuoškite šventinį stalą taip, kad visi nustebtų. Skoningos stalo dekoracijos suteiks jaukumo bei ryškumo Jūsų šventei. Stalas atrodys spalvotas, dekoracijos puikiai derės prie namų interjero, turimų lėkščių bei įrankių ar tiesiog suteiks puikios nuotaikos.

Medžiaga: Neaustinis audinys

Dydis: apie 21x17 cm

Spalva: raudona

Kiekis: 4vnt
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