For your favorite chess and checkers games! Whether you're a chess enthusiast or a checkers fan, this board is a timeless platform for endless hours of fun and challenge. Expand your game collection with this board.
Chess Board Black No.5 54x54 Cm Star
Product reference:14-8694051050460
For your favorite chess and checkers games! Whether you're a chess enthusiast or a checkers fan, this board is a timeless platform for endless hours of fun and challenge. Expand your game collection with this board.
Chess Board Black No.5 54x54 Cm Star
Product reference:14-8694051050460
For your favorite chess and checkers games! Whether you're a chess enthusiast or a checkers fan, this board is a timeless platform for endless hours of fun and challenge. Expand your game collection with this board.
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For your favorite chess and checkers games! Whether you're a chess enthusiast or a checkers fan, this board is a timeless platform for endless hours of fun and challenge. Expand your game collection with this board.
Box size: xa054x54 cm (21'xxa0 21')
Weight: 3250 g (7.1 lb.)xa0 (approx.).
Made in Turkey.
100% authentic, original Star product.
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