Case, CHIEFTEC, HC-10B-OP, MidiTower, ATX, MicroATX, MiniITX, Colour Black, HC-10B-OP
Product reference: 2-753263075673
HC-10B-OP, MidiTower, Front: 1x 120mm oder 90mm oder 80mm, Rear: 1x 120mm oder 90mm oder 80mm, Dimensions 450 x 185 x 412mm

Case, CHIEFTEC, HC-10B-OP, MidiTower, ATX, MicroATX, MiniITX, Colour Black, HC-10B-OP

Product reference: 2-753263075673
HC-10B-OP, MidiTower, Front: 1x 120mm oder 90mm oder 80mm, Rear: 1x 120mm oder 90mm oder 80mm, Dimensions 450 x 185 x 412mm
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The sleek, clean and modern design of this ATX uni-color chassis encourages both OFFICE and HOME applications. A vast amount of internal drive-bays allow random memory expansion while the spacious and innovative internal layout allows quick & easy installation of components.
- Elegant & modern HOME and OFFICE design
- Offers USB Type C to front panel
- Designed for optimized cooling
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