Car charger Dudao R2Pro, 3-in-1, 2x USB, transmitter FM Bluetooth 15,5W
Product reference: 052481

Car charger Dudao R2Pro, 3-in-1, 2x USB, transmitter FM Bluetooth 15,5W

Product reference: 052481
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Dudao R2Pro car charger, 3-in-1, 2x USB, Bluetooth FM transmitter (black)

Are you looking for a car charger that is not only functional, but also practical and easy to use? The R2Pro charger will be an excellent choice! It is distinguished by fast charging and unparalleled convenience. This device offers top quality and innovative features that will make even the longest trips much more comfortable. With Dudao you can enjoy unparalleled convenience and efficiency.


Fast charging

If you're pressed for time, the Dudao car charger with fast charging function is just what you need. Equipped with two USB outputs, it allows you to charge two devices simultaneously, which is extremely practical for longer trips. In addition, with a current of 3.1A, the device not only provides efficiency, but also significantly reduced charging time. So you can enjoy a full battery on your devices faster than ever.


Comfort of use

The R2Pro car charger offers the ultimate in user convenience with integrated features such as a digital LED display. It not only adds a modern touch to the device, but also shows the current voltage, allowing you to easily monitor the charging status. In addition, with a built-in Bluetooth FM transmitter, you can play music or make hands-free phone calls seamlessly. With a DC 12-24V input, the charger is compatible with a variety of power sources, making it an indispensable gadget for any driver who values convenience and functionality.

Manufacturer Dudao
Model R2Pro
Ports 2 x USB
Input DC 12-24V
USB1&2 output: 5V / 3.1A
Features Bluetooth support, voice transmission, playback from USB flash drive
Color Black
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