Camera Wrist Strap PGYTECH (Grey)
Product reference: 058912

Camera Wrist Strap PGYTECH (Grey)

Product reference: 058912
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PGYTECH Camera Wrist Strap (Gray)

You can easily attach the PGYTECH wrist strap to your camera. Furthermore, the product is made from wear-resistant materials. You can also adjust the strap, and the microfiber finish is gentle on the skin. It stands out with a load capacity of up to 90 kg, ensuring the safety of your equipment.


The strap is made from wear-resistant dyneema material, ensuring its long-lasting use. Moreover, the breathable microfiber finish absorbs water well and is gentle on the skin. In addition, the strap consists of 3 layers, providing protection against abrasion, and it has a maximum load capacity of 90 kg. You can confidently attach the strap to your camera without worrying about damaging your equipment.


Manufacturer PGYTECH
Model P-CB-125
Color Gray
Material Microfiber, Nylon, Dyneema
Weight 34 g
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