Cable USB-C to mini jack 3,5mm Acefast C1-08 1.2m (black)
Product reference: 048684

Cable USB-C to mini jack 3,5mm Acefast C1-08 1.2m (black)

Product reference: 048684
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USB-C to mini jack 3.5mm cable Acefast C1-08 1.2m (black)

Need to connect your phone to an AUX interface? Nothing simpler than that! The Acefast USB-C to mini jack 3.5mm cable features wide compatibility with many mobile devices and supports audio without signal loss, allowing you to enjoy your favorite music in the car, for example. It features a sturdy design with an extra braided sleeve to prevent tangles and damage to the cable. The universal length of 1.2 meters will allow you to use it comfortably, and a number of safety features will allow you to use your devices safely.

Manufacturer Acefast
Model C1-08
Features Converts digital audio signal from USB-C to 3.5mm audio interface
Length 1,2m
Weight 36g
Certifications CE, RoHS, FCC, EAC
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