Cable USB-C do USB-C Mcdodo CA-4771 65W 1.2m (black)
Product reference: 054478

Cable USB-C do USB-C Mcdodo CA-4771 65W 1.2m (black)

Product reference: 054478
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Mcdodo CA-4771 65W 1.2m USB-C to USB-C cable (black)

If you're looking for a reliable USB-C to USB-C cable that delivers maximum power and efficiency, the Mcdodo CA-4771 is the answer. This unique cable combines a powerful 65 watts of power with a flexible and durable design. Check out the benefits Mcdodo offers!


Fast charging of your devices

The Mcdodo CA-4771 provides an impressive charging power of 65 watts, allowing you to charge your devices quickly and efficiently. Whether you need to charge your laptop, tablet or smartphone, this cable is sure to deliver enough power to meet your needs.


Thoughtful design

The CA-4771 cable is distinguished by its softness and flexibility, thanks to the use of a unique silicone material. This not only makes it comfortable to use, but also makes it easy to store the cable when you don't need it. It is convenient both at home and when traveling.

Manufacturer Mcdodo
Model CA-4771
Current 3,25 A
Power 65 W
Interface USB-C to USB-C
Material TPE + silicone
Color black
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