Cable USB-A 3.0 A Male to Female Vention CBLHF 1m
Product reference: 055509

Cable USB-A 3.0 A Male to Female Vention CBLHF 1m

Product reference: 055509
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USB-A 3.0 Male to Female USB-A Extension Cable Vention CBLHF 1m

Vention CBLHF is an extension cable with male and female USB-A connectors, operating in the 3.0 standard, which provides a transfer rate of 5Gbps, so you can quickly and efficiently transfer files between devices. This cable has a core made of tin-plated, an aluminum foil sheath, and a metal braid, all covered with a layer of PVC and a cotton braid - such a construction ensures excellent conductivity while maintaining flexibility. With Vention CBLHF, you no longer have to, for example, bend down to the computer to plug in a pendrive - just plug it into the female connector of the cable. Forget about struggling with plugging cables into hard-to-reach devices - thanks to the extension cable, you can save time and work comfortably from your desk.

Package Contents


Brand Vention
Color Gray
Length 1m
Interface USB-A 3.0 Male and Female, Nickel-plated
Transfer Speed 5Gbps
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