Cable Organizer Strap Vention KAABH 11mm 2m Black
Product reference: 056282

Cable Organizer Strap Vention KAABH 11mm 2m Black

Product reference: 056282
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Vention 2m Cable Organizer Strap

The Vention KAABH cable organizer strap, measuring 2 meters in length, is not only incredibly practical but also versatile. It allows for the bundling of multiple cables simultaneously, keeping them organized and tangle-free at all times. This enables users to easily identify individual cables and maintain clarity in their space.

Customizable to Individual Needs

Thanks to the ability to trim the strap to any desired length, users can be confident that the product will perfectly adapt to their individual requirements. Depending on the quantity and type of cables, the strap's length can be adjusted while preserving aesthetics and functionality.

Durable Construction

Made from strong nylon hook and loop material, the strap ensures product longevity and resistance to daily wear and tear. Users need not worry about the strap wearing out or fraying quickly; it is designed for long-term use.


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