Cable HDMI 2.0 Vention AAIBI, 4K 60Hz, 3m (black)
Product reference: 056383

Cable HDMI 2.0 Vention AAIBI, 4K 60Hz, 3m (black)

Product reference: 056383
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Vention AAIBI HDMI Cable 3m (black)

Watch movies in high quality with Vention. The cable provides 4K HD image and supports 3840 x 2160@60Hz. Moreover, you can enjoy Hi-Fi sound and excellent synchronization of audio and video. In addition, dynamic HDR ensures a rich color palette, and thanks to the use of durable materials and gold-plated connectors, the product is wear-resistant and efficient. Additionally, you can successfully connect it to a laptop, TV, projector, PS3/4, etc.


Manufacturer Vention
Color black
Length 3 m
Version 2.0
Interface HDMI to HDMI
Resolution 4K 60 Hz
Material aluminum, metal, PVC
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