Blaupunkt HCC701
Product reference: 5-HCC701
Blaupunkt HCC701

Blaupunkt HCC701

Product reference: 5-HCC701
Blaupunkt HCC701
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 Cutting length adjustment in the range of 3-18 mm with interchangeable combs
Precise cutting adjustment in the range of 1-1.9 mm
Cord and cordless operation
Display indicating the remaining operating time and motor load
Shaving head made of stainless steel; blades made of durable ceramics
Full charge after 90 minutes, operating time after full charge – up to 180 minutes
Lithium batteries (no memory effect)
Case, charging base, machine lubricating oil, comb and brush included
Power supply: 220-240 V ~ 50/60 Hz; 0.2 A

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