Loose herbal tea Ayurveda Herbs & Ginger (100g)
Product reference: 19480

Loose herbal tea Ayurveda Herbs & Ginger (100g)

Product reference: 19480
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Traditionally, loose leaf tea is the most delicious, and its many varieties allow you to enjoy the most wonderful bouquet of aromas. We offer 100 grams of loose tea in a bag that protects the aroma.

AYURVEDA HERBS & GINGER is an interesting and very colorful tea from Ronnefeldt's Ayurvedic tea line. Ginger, anise, common fennel, licorice root, lemongrass, black peppercorns, cinnamon pieces, chamomile flowers, blackberry leaves, rose petals and lemon verbena - this is an indescribable, fresh and mild taste that will delight all lovers of oriental flavors. This tea can be enjoyed at any time of the day, and the Ayurvedic worldview advises people with VATA dosha to drink this tea.

Ingredients: ginger, anise, common fennel, licorice root, lemongrass, black peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, chamomile flowers, blackberry leaves, rose petals and lemon verbena;
Serving size: 1 bag - 2.8 gr. herbs for preparing a large cup or teapot of a delicious drink;
Preparation: scald with boiling water (100 °C) and hold for 5 - 8 minutes.
Store in a dry, clean, well-ventilated area. The tea mixture is made in Germany.

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