Bicycle tire lever Rockbros QTB003 2 pcs (green)
Product reference: 045993

Bicycle tire lever Rockbros QTB003 2 pcs (green)

Product reference: 045993
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Rockbros tyre bucket QTB003 (green)

The tyre bucket is a helpful accessory for every cycling amateur! The product will be an invaluable helper when mounting as well as dismounting a bicycle tyre. The bucket is made of POM material, which is characterised by high durability. The lightweight and compact design means that the spoon can easily be stored in either your seat bag or jersey pocket - it certainly won't take up much space! The set includes 2 pieces.

Manufacturer Rockbros
Model QTB003
Length 12 mm
Material POM
Weight 13 g (pair)
Colour Green
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