Bicycle electronic bells Rockbros CB1709 (green)
Product reference: 045957

Bicycle electronic bells Rockbros CB1709 (green)

Product reference: 045957
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Rockbros electric bicycle bell CB1709 (green)

Do you want your cycling to always be safe? The Rockbros bike bell was created with your protection in mind. The silicone housing will fit almost any handlebar, but will not damage any part of your bike. What's more, it is waterproof, so you can use it in any weather.


Tailored to fit

You can customise the Rockbros bike bell according to your needs and preferences, as it has up to 3 different sound modes to choose from. What's more, its volume reaches up to 90 dB, so you can be sure that everyone passing by will hear it perfectly. The bell's battery will last for up to a year and can be easily replaced if necessary.


Excellent quality

The Rockbros bike bell has been developed with comfort in mind and is therefore waterproof. This makes it so you can take it with you on any journey, whatever the weather. It has been made of durable silicone, so you won't injure your hand when using it. What's more, you can mount it on almost any handlebar without worrying about damaging it. It won't take up much space as it stands out for its small size.

Producer Rockbros
Model CB1709
Weight 33 g
Dimensions 3.5 × 3 cm
Volume 90 dB
Material Silicone
Colour Green
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