Beper P201UTP020
Product reference: 5-P201UTP020
Beper P201UTP020

Beper P201UTP020

Product reference: 5-P201UTP020
Beper P201UTP020
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 Beper P201UTP020 Rechargeable electric lighter
A must have accessory with a sassy design, this new electric lighter combines practicality and elegance thanks to its body made of aluminum and resistant quality plastic, and its use without gas.
One full charge via the USB cable included allows up to 50 ignitions, and the battery status can easily be monitored through the LED indicators found on the item. The absence of flame and gas, and the safety system which prevents accidental ignition make this lighter the perfect travel companion for all your outdoor activities!
Product size: 1,5 x 15 x 18 cm
Material: aluminium/plastic
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