Beper P102SBA100
Product reference: 5-P102SBA100
Beper P102SBA100

Beper P102SBA100

Product reference: 5-P102SBA100
Beper P102SBA100
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 Electric hand mixer ideal for whipping eggs, kneading and mixing creams and desserts. Characterized by 5 speeds and turbo function, for more consistent doughs. The product includes whips for whipping and hooks for kneading, both in stainless steel and with a length of 20 cm, ideal for soft and frothy doughs. They are removable by using the whisk release button and are dishwasher safe.
Power: 300 W
Product dimensions: 19x9x14 cm
Packaging size: 20x10x14.6 cm
Gross weight: 1,40 kg
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