Beper C102SPE001
Product reference: 5-C102SPE001
Beper C102SPE001

Beper C102SPE001

Product reference: 5-C102SPE001
Beper C102SPE001
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 Made of glass and steel with transparent graduated container.
Useful for cooking and for dosing the seasoning correctly, especially for those who want to use it to season food in a light way.
Also ideal for use with the hot air fryer, spraying oil instead of using a brush when cooking and frying, precisely because it makes it easier to control the amount of oil.
Can also be used for other liquid condiments such as vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, and water etc.
Capacity: 90 ml
Product size: Diameter 4 cm x18,5 cm ca.
Material: Glass
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