Beldray LA033710WOAKEU7
Product reference: 5-LA033710WOAKEU7
Beldray LA033710WOAKEU7

Beldray LA033710WOAKEU7

Product reference: 5-LA033710WOAKEU7
Beldray LA033710WOAKEU7
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 Beldray LA033710WOAKEU7 PVC veneer toilet seat
The Beldray 18” toilet seat is extremely easy to clean and provides the ultimate seating comfort whilst also being moisture resistant.
Measuring at 370 x 430 mm the seat fits most standard size toilets and you will be able to attach it to your toilet effortlessly.
With a classic light oak finish, the toilet seat is a perfect addition to your bathroom and will match with any colour scheme or style.
Expertly designed with brilliantly strong and stable zinc alloy hinges, the seat is guaranteed to stay firmly fixed in one place.
Colour: White, oak
Width: 42.80 (cm)
Height: 6.00 (cm)
Depth: 36.00 (cm)
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