Beldray LA023957TQEU7 2 step ladder
Product reference: 5-LA023957TQEU7
Beldray LA023957TQEU7 2 step ladder

Beldray LA023957TQEU7 2 step ladder

Product reference: 5-LA023957TQEU7
Beldray LA023957TQEU7 2 step ladder
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Make every DIY or cleaning task easy with this Beldray step ladder, allowing you to finish the job with no need to stretch or struggle.
Measuring approximately 80 cm, the ladder gives you the perfect boost so you can work much more efficiently without causing any strain.
Its robust legs are built so you always have fantastic support, with anti-slip steps so you feel completely secure as you climb.
The ladder can simply fold away – its compact design, lightweight feel and attached handle means it is also brilliantly portable.
Whether you are dusting shelves, redecorating or storing items away, the ladder will help you to reach high spaces with complete ease.
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