Battery SAMSUNG SM-G920F (Galaxy S6)
Product reference: 9990000170050-1

Battery SAMSUNG SM-G920F (Galaxy S6)

Product reference: 9990000170050-1
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These batteries have a shorter charging time and longer service life. Batteries do not have a “memory effect” so the phones can be charged at any user-friendly time. Charge faster - use longer - feel safer!

The battery is protected against overcharging, overheating and ignition.
Optimally selected discharge parameters maximize battery capacity.

Compatible mobile phone models:
Samsung Galaxy S6.
Samsung SM-G920F.
Samsung SM-G920.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Duos.
Samsung Galaxy S6 LTE-A.
Samsung Galaxy S6 TD-LTE.
Samsung SCH-J510.
Samsung SCV31.
Samsung SGH-N520.
Samsung SM-G9200.
Samsung SM-G9208.
Samsung SM-G9208/SS.
Samsung SM-G9209.
Samsung SM-G920A.
Samsung SM-G920D.
Samsung SM-G920FD.
Samsung SM-G920I.
Samsung SM-G920P.
Samsung SM-G920R.
Samsung SM-G920R4.
Samsung SM-G920S.
Samsung SM-G920T.
Samsung SM-G920V.
Samsung SM-G920W8.
Samsung SM-G920X.
Samsung Zero F.

Note: the list of compatible batteries and smartphones may be not complete. In case of doubt, always ask a consultant for advice.

Compatible part numbers:

Capacity: 2550 mAh.
Type: Li-poly.
Voltage: 3.85V.

Warranty: 12 months.

Important information! Waste batteries and accumulators must be disposed of into specially marked containers.
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