Battery APPLE iPhone 5S
Product reference: 4775341161982-1

Battery APPLE iPhone 5S

Product reference: 4775341161982-1
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These batteries have a shorter charging time and longer service life. Batteries do not have a “memory effect” so the phones can be charged at any user-friendly time. Charge faster - use longer - feel safer!

The battery is protected against overcharging, overheating and ignition.
Optimally selected discharge parameters maximize battery capacity.

Compatible mobile phone models:
Apple iPhone 5s.
Apple iPhone A1234.
Apple iPhone A1453.
Apple iPhone A1457.
Apple iPhone A1516.
Apple iPhone A1518.
Apple iPhone A1528.
Apple iPhone A1529.
Apple iPhone A1530.
Apple iPhone A1533.
Apple iPhone ME341LL/A.
Apple iPhone ME342LL/A.
Apple iPhone ME344LL/A.
Apple iPhone ME345LL/A.
Apple iPhone ME347LL/A.
Apple iPhone ME348LL/A.
Apple iPhone ME349LL/A.

Note: the list of compatible batteries and smartphones may be not complete. In case of doubt, always ask a consultant for advice.

Compatible part numbers:
Apple 616-0652.
Apple 616-0718.
Apple 616-0719.
Apple 616-0720.
Apple 616-0721.
Apple 616-0722.
Apple 616-0728.

Capacity: 2010 mAh.
Type: Li-ion.
Voltage: 3.8 V.

Warranty: 12 months.

Important information! Waste batteries and accumulators must be disposed of into specially marked containers.
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