Based on many years of experience and knowledge in various fields, the 'Vinnic' brand can offer quality alkaline batteries for your daily energy needs.
Batteries Vinnic 23A L1028
Product reference:14-2545337995119
Based on many years of experience and knowledge in various fields, the 'Vinnic' brand can offer quality alkaline batteries for your daily energy needs.
Batteries Vinnic 23A L1028
Product reference:14-2545337995119
Based on many years of experience and knowledge in various fields, the 'Vinnic' brand can offer quality alkaline batteries for your daily energy needs.
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Recommended for use in: calculators, remote controls, security systems and high-tech devices that require small, portable power sources that cannot be obtained using standard batteries.
Dimensions: 10mm x 28mm.
Weight (single battery): 8.4 g
100% authentic, original Vinnic product.
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