BACSCAN F-45 Alcotester quickly and accurately measures blood alcohol levels from 0 to 4% in 4 seconds, and its compact design and memory function allows to maintain up to 10 measurements.
Alcotester - Bacscan F -45, Black
Product reference:5907222598368
BACSCAN F-45 Alcotester quickly and accurately measures blood alcohol levels from 0 to 4% in 4 seconds, and its compact design and memory function allows to maintain up to 10 measurements.
Alcotester - Bacscan F -45, Black
Product reference:5907222598368
BACSCAN F-45 Alcotester quickly and accurately measures blood alcohol levels from 0 to 4% in 4 seconds, and its compact design and memory function allows to maintain up to 10 measurements.
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bacscan F -45 - A compact, contactless device for measurement of blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Fast and accurate measurements allow instant to measure alcohol levels.