Adapter opel astra, corsa, meriva, vectra, zafira, agila, antara, movano, combo, vivaro 2004 - ze złączem iso pełne
Product reference: 215334382132

Adapter opel astra, corsa, meriva, vectra, zafira, agila, antara, movano, combo, vivaro 2004 - ze złączem iso pełne

Product reference: 215334382132
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Car connector type: AdapterIntended use - car brand: OpelConnector version: ISO                                                                                         Purpose - car modelOpel Astra 2004 - 2010Opel Corsa 2004 - 2014Opel Meriva 2005 - 201 0Opel Vectra 2004 - 2008Opel Zafira 2005 - 2014Opel Agila 2004 - 2007Opel Antara 2006 ->Opel Movano 2006 - 2013Opel Combo 2004 ->Opel GTC 2005 ->Opel Vivaro 2006 - 2012Factory radios:  CD30/CDC40/CD50/CD70Connector with GALA function - automatic adjustment of the volume level to the driving speed. Increasing or decreasing the volume ensures that the sound is perceived at the same intensity. The function is available in selected radio models, information included in the radio user manual.
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