Adapter Audio 6.35mm male to RCA female Vention VDD-C03 blue
Product reference: 056731

Adapter Audio 6.35mm male to RCA female Vention VDD-C03 blue

Product reference: 056731
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Vention VDD-C03 3.5mm to 2x 3.5mm audio adapter (blue)

The Vention audio adapter allows you to connect headphones and a microphone to your equipment thanks to its 3.5mm ports. It will be perfect for insufficient inputs and is compatible with smartphones, laptops, tablets, speakers, etc. What's more, it supports OMTP and CTIA. You will successfully use it for gaming, karaoke or video calls. In addition, being made of aluminum alloy translates into durability, and the use of gold-plated connectors prevents interference and oxidation.

Manufacturer Vention
Model VDD-C03
Material aluminum alloy
Interface 3.5 mm to 2x 3.5 mm
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