AD Class Inserts for documents A5 transparent 40 micron, 100 pcs in a package. (A5CC40-100)
Product reference: 989901894628-1

AD Class Inserts for documents A5 transparent 40 micron, 100 pcs in a package. (A5CC40-100)

Product reference: 989901894628-1
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Material: PP (polypropylene). Suitable for A4 documents. Available thicknesses (μm): 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80. Type: crystal clear (CC). The top is open. Anti-reflective and anti-static properties. Number of holes for fastening: 11. Dimensions: 303x234 mm (LxW). Color: clear translucent.
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