Active antenna am / fm / dab, dab+ rear roof calearo
Product reference: 100996934323

Active antenna am / fm / dab, dab+ rear roof calearo

Product reference: 100996934323
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Since 1957, Calearo Group has been creating advanced communication technologies. Thanks to its research and development department, Ce.R.Ca., it is one of the most advanced in Europe. Calearo Group provides cutting-edge solutions for transmitting and receiving fixed and mobile transmissions for factory vision systems. Calearo Group cooperates closely with the most important car manufacturers in the world and operates in the telecommunications industry. Our mission is to innovate, experiment and deliver technologies that can connect the world and improve the quality of life. Active antenna  AM / FM / DAB, DAB+ Specification Mast length 41 cm Mast tilt angle 60° M6 thread Installation: installation point: rear hole in the roof round: 19 mm square hole: 15 mm x 15 mm Antenna socket: L = 60 mm / B = 43 mm Connections: AM/FM: Fakra B(m) white RG174 / L=180 mm DAB/DAB+: Fakra A(m) black RG174 / L=200 mm
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