5 m automatic retractable dog lead LED
Product reference: 240111171747

LED automatic belt leash with retract/release lock for small and medium sized dogs and cats.

5 m automatic retractable dog lead LED

Product reference: 240111171747

LED automatic belt leash with retract/release lock for small and medium sized dogs and cats.

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The case is made of high quality materials with a designer RGB circle on the side. The handle is ergonomically designed to fit the hand perfectly and allow it to rest, even when walking for very long periods. Lightweight but sturdy construction, equipped with a silent and dynamic retraction and locking mechanism that ensures that the leash does not loosen when the length is reduced, preventing dirt and tripping during walks. The strong strap with high maximum tension will easily withstand the pulling and tugging of a medium or small dog. The sturdy buckle design with a standard, simple fastening mechanism allows the leash to be attached to any collar. The leash is equipped with a built-in flashlight for walking even after dark (powered by 2 AAA batteries - not included). Available colours: Purple-White Mint-grey Orange and white Colours are sent in random order. Length of strap: 5 m Battery power: 2xAAA (not included) width of lanyard: 1,2 cm Dimensions: 19 x 11 x 4,5 cm

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