3in1 Cable XO USB-C / Lightning / Micro 2.4A, 1,2m (Black)
Product reference: 4061257015564

3in1 Cable XO USB-C / Lightning / Micro 2.4A, 1,2m (Black)

Product reference: 4061257015564
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XO 3-in-1 USB-C / Lightning / Micro 2.4A 1.2m USB cable (black)

Get as many as 3 connectors and enjoy the convenience provided by the XO brand cable. Equipped with USB-C, Lightning and Micro USB interfaces, the product features extremely wide compatibility and allows you to charge as many as 3 devices simultaneously. The intensity of the 1.2-meter-long cable reaches up to 2.4 amps, and the voltage - 5 volts. What's more, the NB173 showed great durability during testing and is able to bear a load of as much as 12 kg.

Manufacturer XO
Name NB173 One for three braided data cable
Model NB173
Connectors USB-C, Lightning, Micro USB
Voltage 5 V
Current 2.4 A (max)
Length 1.2 m
Color Black
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