ipod iphone alpine kce-433iv connector
Product reference: 115939554338

ipod iphone alpine kce-433iv connector

Product reference: 115939554338
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IPOD IPHONE ALPINE KCE-433iV connectorSignal connector enabling the connection of an external sound source from iPod devices to Alpine radios.IPOD IPHONE ALPINE KCE-433iV connector - a simple way to listen to your favorite music in the car!Each of us appreciates the presence of our favorite artists while traveling increasingly further kilometers. If you would like to be able to connect your device to play songs you like, you should check out our offer as soon as possible. The ALPINE KCE-433iV IPOD IPHONE connector is an excellent product that will allow you to seamlessly transfer data from your IPod! Invest in your comfort! Car audio only at Car-tronic! If you are looking for other car audio accessories, it is worth visiting our website, where you can buy excellent products at fair prices!
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