Connector for Ford factory radio 2003- ISO
Product reference: 111728871724

Connector for Ford factory radio 2003- ISO

Product reference: 111728871724
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Useful connector for the Ford factory radio. If you need a connector for the Ford factory radio, our offer will certainly interest you. We offer professional equipment that is carefully and reliably made. The well-known company Compotech, which has been specializing in audio-video accessories for years, is responsible for the production of the connector. Compatibility of the connector with Ford cars. The presented product fits Ford cars. These models are: C-Max, Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, Kuga, Mondeo, S-Max and Transit. If you need a factory radio connector for one of the above-mentioned vehicles, the item we offer will certainly meet your expectations. Comprehensive offer of the Car-Tronic store. The Car-Tronic online store is not only about car accessories. We have various types of audio-video equipment that can be used not only in vehicles. We take our customers' needs very seriously, which is why our assortment is so extensive and comprehensive. Type of car connector for factory radios Intended use - car brand Ford Intended use - car model Ford C-Max 09/2003 - 2010 Ford Fiesta 06/2005 ->Ford Focus 01/2005 - 2010 Ford Fusion 05 /2005 ->Ford Kuga 2008 ->Ford Mondeo 06/2003 ->Ford S-Max 05/2006 ->Ford Transit 01/2006 ->
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