Aux-Ford 2004 connector - 3.5mm stereo jack
Product reference: 104037859612

Aux-Ford 2004 connector - 3.5mm stereo jack

Product reference: 104037859612
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AUX connector for Ford - 3.5 mm stereo jack. Owners of Ford cars will certainly be pleased! We offer a high-quality AUX connector with a 3.5 mm stereo jack plug. This is equipment that can be installed in cars manufactured since 2004. Enjoy your favorite songs in your car. After successful installation of the AUX connector, you can freely manage the multimedia in your car. Playing songs from your phone, MP3 or MP4 device will be no problem. Every journey with your favorite music will become pleasant and comfortable. Solid equipment that will satisfy you! Our assortment was created based on cooperation with the best producers, so all offered products guarantee reliability. We want to offer all customers comprehensive solutions, so in addition to AUX connectors, we also have USB adapters, cabling for sound systems and other multimedia devices, as well as car antennas. Car connector type: Aux adapter Intended use - car brand: Ford Intended use - car model: Ford 2004->Connector type : 3.5 mm stereo jack Connector intended ONLY (!!!) for selected radio models with an AUX button on the front panel of the radio and an "active" audio input (marked with a sticker on the radio casing)
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