ZigBee Gateway Sonoff ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E
Product reference: 038333

ZigBee Gateway Sonoff ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E

Product reference: 038333
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Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus - Zigbee Gateway

Sonoff Dongle-E can be used as a Zigbee gateway in Home Assistant, openHAB, Zigbee2MQTT or other open-source platforms for local control of all Zigbee devices. It allows you to connect up to 32 devices simultaneously and works more efficiently than CC2531 or ConBee 2. You no longer need to invest in Zigbee hubs of different brands, all you need is a universal gateway - Dongle Plus!


Wide compatibility

You will use the Dongle Plus as a Zigbee 3.0 gateway in open-source platforms to manage different devices of different brands, or to flash your router's firmware to extend the network range. You can also additionally purchase a 1.5-meter USB cable for greater signal range. The product works with platforms such as Home Assistant, openHAB, Zigbee2MQTT, etc. Moreover, it supports Linux, Ubuntu, Raspbian, Windows and macOS.


Carefully considered design

The product is made of aluminum alloy, which improves signal transmission. In addition, it eliminates interference from peripheral devices. It has an SMA external antenna - you can also adjust its position. What's more, the output gain of +20dBm affects 3x the signal range.

Manufacturer Sonoff
Name Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus - Zigbee gateway
Input voltage DC 5V (100mA max)
Operating temperature -10°C ~ 40°C
Wireless connectivity Zigbee 3.0
Material Aluminum alloy
Dimensions 75 x 25.5 x 13.5 mm
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