Ring lamp LED 60W (3000-6000K) with case
Product reference: 2594331113291

Power: 60W.
The color temperature can be adjusted using a switch. No filters required. It is possible to match the light to the existing lighting much more precisely.
Color temperature: 3000-6000 K.
Average service life: 6000 hours
Adjustable power.
Mounting on a tripod thread: 16 mm
Handbag for transportation.
Weight: 2kg

Ring lamp LED 60W (3000-6000K) with case

Product reference: 2594331113291

Power: 60W.
The color temperature can be adjusted using a switch. No filters required. It is possible to match the light to the existing lighting much more precisely.
Color temperature: 3000-6000 K.
Average service life: 6000 hours
Adjustable power.
Mounting on a tripod thread: 16 mm
Handbag for transportation.
Weight: 2kg

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Ring light LED 60W (3000-6000K) is perfect for MUA makeup artists, portrait photography, great light source for filming youtube vlogs, etc.

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