Car voltmeter/ ammeter with red backlight
Product reference: 116948999244

Car voltmeter/ ammeter with red backlight

Product reference: 116948999244
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Electronic car battery voltage meter - Voltmeter and ammeter. After installing in the car and turning on the ignition, it indicates the voltage and current of the car battery. It has a clear, red backlit LCD display. Measurement range: 5V - 30V1A - 15A. Don't be surprised by the battery by buying a voltmeter / car ammeter, red backlight! It's hard to find a greater stress for a driver than a car that stops starting at a crowded intersection. Such situations occur relatively rarely, but when they do, we have a very big problem. Therefore, a car voltmeter/ammeter with red backlight is an extremely necessary item so that we can constantly monitor the level of our battery.
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