Wi-Fi Smart Switch Shelly Plus 2PM
Product reference: 059196

Wi-Fi Smart Switch Shelly Plus 2PM

Product reference: 059196
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Shelly PLUS 2PM WIFI 2 Controller

Looking for a smart solution that will allow you full control over the electrical devices in your home? Shelly Plus 2PM is a small yet powerful 2-channel smart switch that offers not only remote control but also power measurement and advanced safety features. Discover what Shelly can offer you! 

Control and Save Energy

One of the main advantages of Shelly Plus 2PM is the built-in power measurement. With this tool, you can monitor the energy consumption of connected devices in real-time. This allows for conscious management of electrical energy, identifying the most energy-consuming devices, and taking actions that will help you save energy and reduce bills.

Protecting Your Home

Shelly Plus 2PM not only provides control over devices but also cares for their safety. The device has advanced safety features such as overheating protection, high voltage protection, overcurrent protection, and more. Additionally, it is equipped with a cover mode that detects obstacles and automatically turns off in case of danger. These features protect your devices and home.

Remote Control and Monitoring

Shelly Plus 2PM enables remote control and monitoring of electrical devices from anywhere in the world. Whether you're at home, at work, or traveling, you have full control over connected devices. With the Shelly Cloud app on your smartphone, tablet, or PC, you can turn on, off, or schedule devices. This convenience simplifies daily life and saves time.


ModelPlus 2PM
Dimensions37 × 42 × 16 mm
Operating Temperature-20°C to 40°C
Humidity30% to 70%
Max. Altitude2000 m
Power Supply110–240 V AC / 24–30 V DC
Energy Consumption< 1.2 W
AC Switch Voltage240 V
DC Switch Voltage30 V
Max. AC Switch Current16 A
Max. DC Switch Current10 A
RF Band2400 - 2495 MHz
Wi-Fi Protocol802.11 b/g/n
Wi-Fi Rangeup to 30 m
Bluetooth Protocol4.2
Bluetooth Rangeup to 10 m
CompatibilityGoogle, Samsung SmartThing, Alexa
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