Vienakojis Benro A-38FD
Product reference: 6931747365678

4 Leg sections
Snap-on leg lock
Maximum load up to 18kg
Maximum height 155 cm
Folded stand height 54 cm
Weight 0.9 kg

Vienakojis Benro A-38FD

Product reference: 6931747365678

4 Leg sections
Snap-on leg lock
Maximum load up to 18kg
Maximum height 155 cm
Folded stand height 54 cm
Weight 0.9 kg

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12/24 month

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3 - 5
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Aluminum monopod Benro A-38FD. Compatible with heads with 1/4"-20, 3/8"-16 threads. The monopod has a mini tripod on the bottom. This helps to control the tripod more stably and comfortably. 

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