VGA+R/ L to HDMI converter
Product reference: 9990000911493-1

VGA+R/ L to HDMI converter

Product reference: 9990000911493-1
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This HDMI to VGA Converter allows HDMI signal to be converted easily to VGA+ R/L signal which was showed on HD display.
FeaturesOne HDMI input, convert TMDS signal to VGA+R/L analog signal.Support audio input:TMDS signal.Support video output:VGA analog signal.Support audio output:R/L analog signal.LED indicator: when the signal source is working or the Micro.USB is powered, the red LED will light on.Support AWG26 HDMI cable, HDMI input can be up to 10m.No signal loss.Easy to install.Charged by Micro USB cable.
Warranty: 24 months.
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