Cleaning pencil Lenspen Original Invisible Carbon
Product reference: 776293001191

Perfectly cleans lenses and other optical devices
Does not scratch the surface
Removes fingerprints

Cleaning pencil Lenspen Original Invisible Carbon

Product reference: 776293001191

Perfectly cleans lenses and other optical devices
Does not scratch the surface
Removes fingerprints

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Designed for effective cleaning of optics when the diameter of the outer lens is greater than 13mm. These include traditional film cameras, digital cameras, various lenses, video cameras, binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, optical sights, lens filters, etc.


LENSPEN is a fast, simple, yet highly effective and convenient solution. Nothing cleans lenses better or faster than LENSPEN.


  • Safe - for cleaning all optical lenses!
  • Effective - nothing removes greasy fingerprints and dust better than LENSPEN!
  • Convenient - compact, liquid-free, easy to use!
  • Long-lasting - up to 500 cleanings with one nozzle, does not dry out, is not affected by temperatures!

Complete and comes with an additional cleaning nozzle!


  • Flexible to conform to the shape and contour of the cleaning surface.
  • With patented carbon blend filler. Why?

We probably still remember the times when many people and ourselves or our parents used to clean mirrors and window panes with plain newspapers... Why?

Newspaper is coated with printing material. The composition of the printing material is a mixture of carbon. Carbon molecules have a unique ability to absorb large amounts of pollutants (fats, oils, lubricants, etc.).

Conclusion - charcoal and the right mixture of charcoal are great for cleaning!


  1. Remove all hard particles and dust from the lens surface using the push-out brush. The convenient retractable brush is made of soft, natural bristles. It is used to safely remove dust, hard particles (eg sand) and other dirt.
  2. Remove the cap from the cleaning nozzle. Place the nozzle flat against the plane of the surface to be cleaned and clean the surface with gentle, even circular movements. If you notice any remaining stains, breathe gently on the surface to be cleaned and repeat the cleaning.
  3. To refill the cleaning nozzle with the proprietary carbon mixture contained in the sponge built into the cap, replace the protective cap and turn it half a turn around the axis (1800). To replace the cleaning nozzle with cap, simply pull the old nozzle out of the housing and insert the new one.


LENSPEN products are designed and specially adapted for optical lenses. It is strictly forbidden to use for cleaning wet surfaces, SLR cameras mirrors or matrix filters. Please follow the instructions for use exactly.

LENSPEN products are recognized and have won many awards.

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