Kabel sieciowy UTP CAT6 Vention IBEBN RJ45 Ethernet 1000Mbps 15m czarny
Product reference: 056603

Kabel sieciowy UTP CAT6 Vention IBEBN RJ45 Ethernet 1000Mbps 15m czarny

Product reference: 056603
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Vention IBEBN 15m UTP cat.6 network cable (black).

Vention network cable will find its use both at home and at work. You will connect it to such devices as a computer, TV, router, laptop, etc. It provides transmission speeds of up to 1000 Mbps - so you can further immerse yourself in the game, download files faster and work freely. What's more, the use of high-quality materials ensures the efficient operation of the product without interference, and the PVC braid guarantees resistance to wear and tear.



Transmission speed1000 Mbps
Throughput250 MHz
Length15 m
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