Universal cable for alpine
Product reference: 292444457691

Universal cable for alpine

Product reference: 292444457691
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Universal cable for Alpine mn Like any classic cable, it connects two devices. This case is nevertheless unusual because it combines devices that offer a number of possibilities. They are an interface built into the steering wheel, through which you can not only see information about the day and weather, but also control the radio. For the latter, however, you will need to purchase an appropriate cable.  What else should you know about Alpine cable? Typically, for all interfaces built into the steering wheel, it is necessary to purchase a cable that corresponds to the brand of the radio. In this case it is the Alpine brand. Connecting the cable is very simple. On the back of the radio you will find the so-called "mini jack", which is a quite characteristic, small hole for a plug, most often marked: SWC, SW, REM, W/R.  
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