Universal reversing camera with guide lines cam-43
Product reference: 110142562915

Universal reversing camera with guide lines cam-43

Product reference: 110142562915
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CAM-43 versatile reversing camera with guide lines Upgrade any vehicle by installing a universal camera.  Thanks to the compact and square housing, installation is easy in a variety of locations. This camera allows you to automatically switch to camera feed when engaging reverse gear and also has parking guidance Features and benefits Universal; Compatible with all vehicles Resolution 720 x 480 1/3" CMOS image sensor 90° vertical x 170° horizontal viewing angle IP67 Waterproof Parking guidelines Power supply: 12V Before installation Read the manual before installation. Technical knowledge is required for installation. Please ensure you use the appropriate tools to avoid damage to your vehicle or product.Connects2 is not responsible for the installation of this product. Universal reversing camera with guide lines CAM-43 - for those who value safety while driving! Every maneuver can cause problems. Even the simplest ones, such as reversing, can turn out to be a huge challenge for every driver. How can we make our lives easier when driving? There are many possibilities, but you have to look carefully to choose the best solution for you. If you are a person who values ​​the highest quality and high functionality, let us come to you with the best possible offer. The universal CAM-43 reversing camera with guide lines is a product for almost everyone. All drivers, regardless of their level, will be delighted with the operation of this equipment! Invest in your comfort! Each of us deserves a bit of comfort. Change your life behind the wheel and visit our website to make purchases. You won't regret your choice!  
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