Toccasana Vintage Shaving Kit Vintage shaving kit, 1pc.
Product reference: 8004395003600

Toccasana Vintage Shaving Kit Vintage shaving kit, 1pc.

Product reference: 8004395003600
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"Proraso" is one of the largest manufacturers of shaving tools in the world.

The manufacturer has selected shaving products for sensitive skin with green tea and oats for the "Toccasana" set in a vintage-style metal box.

The set includes:

  • Pre-shave cream for sensitive skin, 100 ml
  • Shave mosi cream for sensitive skin, 150 ml
  • Balm after shave for sensitive skin, 100 ml


  • Cream before shaving cream for sensitive skin, 100 ml (Usage: before shaving, wet your face and apply a walnut-sized amount of product to the areas you want to shave. The cream will soften the beard hair. Continue shaving using your usual shaving cream, balm or foam.)
  • Shaving cream for sensitive skin, 150 ml ( Use: squeeze about 2 cm of cream onto the bristles of the shaving brush. Apply to the skin in a circular motion. The cream softens the beard hairs and prepares the skin for shaving.)- 1004_Balm for sensitive skin ( Usage: rub a small amount of the product into the face with your palms and massage the skin)
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