Light diffuser LumiQuest Soft Screen LQ-051D
Product reference: 744579052007

Light diffuser LumiQuest Soft Screen LQ-051D

Product reference: 744579052007
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LumiQuest Soft Screen LQ-051D diffuses and softens flash light, softens shadows. Compatible with most popular SLR cameras with built-in flash, quick installation, easy to use.

The camera flash is a small and very intense light source, which creates a "sharp" and unattractive-looking shadow when illuminating the photographed object. Flash quality has been one of the main concerns for photographers ever since flashes were invented. The US company LumiQuest has been developing an efficient and wide range of flash accessories for 25 years. By using the right LumiQuest accessories, you will soften the light emitted by the flash and if you direct it properly, you will be able to enjoy excellent results.

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